Twice Born (2012)
Badly Constructed Self-indulgence
11 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There are many things wrong with this film:

Overacted - particularly by Emile Hirsch and Adnan Haskovic (who is constantly trying to sound poetic, but its balderdash). This film defines what over-exuberance is.

Bad editing - we change scene to scene with little sense of continuity. In one scene, as our heroes enter a home, there is a man standing on his head.

Musical choice - this with the poor editing makes the film a Much Music spectacle. There is one scene where a new character professes her love of Nirvana - so guess which song comes up next.

Pretentious - the whole thing comes off as very self-indulgent - it's simply tedious.

The only rewarding factor, for me, was the conclusion which put everything together. Still, because of the poor characterizations, this film had little feeling or empathy . It's almost like the ending was made first - and weave something to make this ending.
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