Brilliantly Simple . Simply Brilliant
10 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A young woman in Spain enters her regular café haunt at 7:35 in the morning and finds something wrong . The usual staff are silent and don't acknowledge her greetings . The customers too are very nervous as they sit silently at their tables and she notices a duo in the corner holding a keyboard and acoustic guitar . Suddenly a man bursts out of the shadows and breaks in to song

People always questions anything and everything " What happens when we die ? " How long is a piece of string ? " " How do the viewing figures of Doctor Who manage to stay so high after the constant rubbish we've been served under Steven Moffat ? " but for me the only question worth asking is " How far would you go to impress a woman ? " and in this short film we see the ends one man will go to in order to achieve this

The set up is fairly well done . The female walks in to the café and she and the audience know there's something out of the ordinary . This holds the audience attention then when the man starts singing his own lyrics which are obviously self penned gives away that he's a secret admirer of the woman and she's in his thoughts . I had this down as a story that was going to be a sweet story of unrequited love and may be a have a predictable happy ending to where the female customer and singer walk hand in hand in to the rising morning sun . This doesn't happen and becomes an entirely different film

There is something that let's all this down slightly .and that is the reactions seem a little bit back to front . One is the character of the woman seems to be one step in front of the action almost like she knows what the coming plot turn is . One would have expected her to be more perplexed or confused at the singing or perhaps even flattered as the customers all get together to sing a song to her . I also find it a little bit too incredible that with the one exception the customers are able to go along with the coercion without fainting but I guess the audience are asked to go along with the laugh out loud absurdity of the situation without thinking about it too much and of course we're then asked to feel guilty at laughing n the first place

I did notice on the Short Of The Week website that there's a line of thinking that it's conscious of the frivolous nature of the musical but this probably stretching things a bit too far . This is certainly NOT a musical genre film therefore the all too well rehearsed dance moves are a little bit too choreographed and far from spontaneous and couldn't possibly be learned in the time frame available . But what the heck this is one of the most enjoyable short films I have ever seen and if I hadn't seen Ted Marcus 2012 movie THE END then this short Spanish film might just have been my all time favourite . I am disappointed very few people have seen THE END but totally delighted a lot of people have seen this one . It also contains a great theme song that is instantly addictive . All together now " One Two One Two Three seven thirty five in the morning ... "
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