Wu Dang (2012)
A Amazing Kung Fu Film ~ National Treasure with Kung Fu
20 February 2014
Simply put, the reviewers on this site wouldn't know a good martial arts film if it kicked them in the rear. Pun very much intended. When it comes to kung fu flicks, they all seem to fall short in one category or another. Whether it be the fights themselves, a convoluted and hard to follow storyline, ridiculous dialog, characters you can't connect with, or other things. They always seem to fall short in some regard, if not many. This film doesn't suffer from that. The fights are nothing short of amazing. The dialog is up to par and at times very interesting and/or heartwarming. The storyline was never confusing or convoluted, and it was always apparent what the goal was. And the characters each had their own strong points and were fun & unique creations. If you go into any kung fu film and expect to see 100% perfection; then you are not a fan of kung fu films. Even IP Man suffered from ridiculous dialog and a convoluted, at times, boring storyline. This is easily in the top five kung fu films I've ever seen. Probably #1 as far as well rounded kung fu films go.

10/10 stars, must watch. Ignore the haters.
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