Blown out of proportion
5 January 2014
Bear in mind that this review is written from an adult's perspective. As a kids' show, MLP is indeed pretty good. For adults, however, there's no reason it should be considered anything more than a bore.

1. The "life lessons" adult fans claim that this show contains are the kind most people learn as early as kindergarten. Having each moral spelled out at the end of every episode bothers me immensely. If you want a show about morality and friendship, there are just so many more subtle and intellectually-profound things to choose from - Doctor Who, Star Trek and the like.

2. The animation isn't one-tenth as amazing as people claim it is. Yippie-ka-yay, it's flash. Call it an issue of taste, but I personally found the animation shallow and two-dimensional. Megas XLR pulled it off a billion times better, despite being considerably older.

3. The storyline itself is what you'd expect from any little kids' show; riddled with inaccuracies, plot holes and clichés, with characters and elements shoehorned in at any time and then promptly forgotten the next episode. The characters themselves are stock protagonists with stereotypical traits, and never seem to develop in a meaningful way. Again, for a kids' show, it's not bad. As an adult, however... no. Just no.

4. The "humor", if any such exists, is dreary and gave me a headache, part of which was derived from incessant face-palming. I am an avid fan of comedic literature (particularly Terry Pratchett), and this show evoked not even a brief smile. Its puns are unfunny, its pop culture references are forced, and it has nothing to offer by way of hilarity.

So now I recline and await the never-ending flood of thumbs down's from rabid fans for daring to question their object of worship. The show isn't actually half-bad bearing in mind its intended audience, but 7.7? That's the main reason I'm giving it 1/10 - this show doesn't come close to deserving its current score.

6.5/10 for its intended audience 2.5/10 for adult entertainment value 1/10 for average adjustment

Edit: As of writing, 7/10 people have called this review "unhelpful". That's what brony "love and tolerance" gets you, I suppose... they tolerate other people's opinions as long as they agree with them. ;)
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