Satisfaction (2013)
Better Than Package Deal
1 January 2014
Why would they keep a horrible show like Package Deal and then get rid of this show? This show was not perfect I admit and some of the show's elements were down right annoying like some of the characters I admit were not the best or maybe just were not cast correctly. But there were a lot of funny parts and good jokes and it was cool seeing a different kind of comedy show in Toronto with some funny jokes in it instead of the usual garbage Canadian sitcoms geared toward old people or people with zero sense of humor. That brings me back to Package Deal. Totally predictable garbage jokes with zero entertainment value at all. Satisfaction needed work and maybe re cast a couple characters or just change it up a bit to make it work better or bring in some new characters but if it had a second year it would have at least had a chance to do that and be a good show. Instead Canadian TV keeps churning out more horrible comedies made with the same unfunny cookie cutter.
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