The Banshee... uhm, strike that... The Boring Chapter...
21 December 2013
Given the poster to this movie and the movie synopsis, I had initially expected something more from the movie. And I must admit that I found the movie to be rather slow-paced and anything but scary.

The story is about a journalist Anne Roland (played by Katia Winter) who is exploring the events revolving around a chemical experiment, where she is helped by the eccentric writer Thomas Blackburn (played by Ted Levine).

I found the storyline to be dull and rather uninteresting. And there were very little aspects of the story that had any real appeal to me. As such, then the movie turned out to be a rather big swing and a miss. There are far better horror and thriller movies available.

I will say that Ted Levine did a nice job in carrying the movie. But his performance wasn't sufficient enough to salvage this movie.

The movie is filmed with a documentary-like style camera-work. You know, those hand-held in the midst of everything kind of styles. Now, I don't enjoy this one bit. When I watch a movie, I want proper and steady camera-work, not something that I could have done myself with my own DV camera.

And the whole 'based on true events' aspect to the movie? Mmmm-hmmm, sure...

There was an interesting H. P. Lovecraft reference delivered by Ted Levine. And that was, for my case, the most interesting thing about this entire movie.

"The Banshee Chapter" might be suitable if you are a hardcore Ted Levine fan, but otherwise, there is nothing interesting to be had here.
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