My first Seltzer/Freidbergowitzgoldstien experience
6 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
(one star because there is no option for zero)

Let me start by saying that I have a passionate hatred for The Hunger Games. So, when someone told me there was a movie whose purpose was to make fun of it, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. After witnessing the first six minutes of The Starving Games, I quickly realized that I was in hell. The movie starts terribly and progressively gets worse from there. I must also admit that I avidly watch terrible films just to see how bad they are. Therefore my initial reaction was to finish the film to see how crappy it was as a whole. Try as I did, I could only make it through 45 minutes of this excruciatingly unfunny steel cage grudge match before tapping out.

With jokes consisting of a girl pooping, or said girl using a fire extinguisher to. . . wait for it. . .put out a fire, I feel that I could find more humor in self immolation. A good comedy must be a product of clever writing. The Starving Games, however, is written with all the finesse of a bull trampling a typewriter into manure laden mud. It would not surprise me to find out that this writing duo had never actually read a book. They obviously do not understand the definition of the terms spoof or satire. As a substitute for spoof we get things like a kid dressed as Harry Potter. It seriously only works on that one level. . ."hey that kid was dressed like Harry Potter."

The ultimate decision to turn this movie off is that I found myself hating it for the same reasons that I hate The Hunger Games. It is a poorly crafted cinematic mistake, ripe with uninteresting poorly acted characters, who plod through substance so heavily "borrowed", that in most civilized countries it is considered plagiarism. And don't forget boring. . . oh so boring and predictable.

Though unintentional, The Hunger Games proves to be the better comedy of the two. That at least coaxed up some hard guttural laughter, at times accompanied by leg slapping and shortness of breath. With The Starving Games, I found myself staring blankly at the screen until I came to the realization that I was in hell, there is no god, and Seltzer/Freidbergowitzgoldstien is the devil.

*Spoiler Alert* This movie has been proved to cause cancer in laboratory mice.
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