Monster Rally.
23 October 2013
Boris Karloff returns to the series, but as Dr. Niemann, a disciple of the Frankenstein legend, who escapes from his prison with his hunchbacked assistant Daniel(played by J. Carol Naish). They take over Professor Lampini's(played by George Zucco) traveling coach of horrors, containing the skeleton of Count Dracula(played by John Carradine, a different version than Lugosi's), which is revived by Dr. Niemann, who forces him to do his bidding. After Dracula is destroyed by the authorities, they later stumble upon the frozen bodies of both The Wolf Man(played by Lon Chaney Jr.) and the Frankenstein monster(played by Glenn Strange)Niemann promises Larry Talbot to help him with his curse, but is really only interested in the monster. After taking on an abused gypsy girl named Ilonka(played by Elena Verdugo) they make their way to his old laboratory, where the big operation will take place, but of course things will go wrong...

Entertaining sequel is undeniably contrived, but quite clever, with a good cast and interesting story and characters. There was no need for Dracula to be here, since this brings in too much of the supernatural into the series, where it really doesn't fit. Still, this is the best "Frankenstein" sequel of the 1940's. Exciting climax, memorable end, though it's a pity the story didn't end here...
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