nice story reflects the hot spot of the society, worthy of your 90 min
2 October 2013
Charlie Young's directorial debut- Christmas Rose. When I first saw the title 'christmas rose' I thought this might be a little too naive and cliché, I cannot find anything interesting from the title or any of the storyline. But I always believe there's a reason for the script that wins foundation from Asia Film Financing Forum, there it is, I bought the DVD and it eventually turns out much better than I expected. There's no doubt Charlie Young has an enchanting script which focus on the vulnerable group of the society and the justice. The theme is sexual harassment, which happens to be one of the most highlighted social events nowadays. Leading actress Gwei Lun Mei effortless played a paralyzed girl Jing Young who was sensitive and paranoid, she came from a humble family that presented people from one of the most low-class community, she was raped by her stepfather and was injured ever since, which resulted in the courtroom drama finally. Aaron Kowk also impressed me in his part in this film. He played a prosecutor who was confused by the media and his own six-sense, people always tend to believe what their first thoughts are, rather than the real fact buried deep beneath. Other supporting actors like Chang Chen is as good as he usually is. Director Charlie Young's care and kindness for the vulnerable group of the society, and her profound introspection of the whole mess that media might cause, all impress me and proved her to be on the right track to become a renowned director. However, the weakness of linking the title Christmas rose and the paper roses that Jing Young made in the film together is somehow lessening the entire suspense drama-effect.
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