Silent Cry (2002)
My Review Of "Silent Cry"
21 September 2013
Julian Richards' "Silent Cry" is a slow-burn, crime noir. The film follows a single mother who battles forces beyond her control to get back the newborn son taken from her. It is a stark look into the underworld of crime, cradled in the shadowy life of the destitute and street walker. People who are at the mercy of those above them in society with the power to manipulate and exploit. The film is a pulled back melodrama foregoing the theatrics and over-the-top elements that Richards has shown in earlier films. Instead "Silent Cry" is a more emotional, heartfelt thriller that seems to bring a chilling light into a corrupt aspect of modern society. Although the film is not a supernatural thriller, nor does it deal with the occult, "Silent Cry" still maintains a haunting, almost macabre atmosphere steeped in surrealism.

The cinematography is well thought out and visceral, focusing more on the human connection between the characters. The sound effects offer a eerie sense of unease that is chilling. The characters are well rounded and tenable. The story of "Silent Cry" is a somber, disturbing tale of conspiracy, exploitation and corruption that manages to make the viewer feel the helplessness and despair of the main character, "Rachel Stewart". It is also a story that is ripped from modern times and haunts the alleyways and doorsteps of urban legend-the stolen child from the hospital nursery.

"Silent Cry" is a true, thrilling film that should appeal to anyone longing for mature crime noir storytelling. It is well shot, well acted and maintains a strong continuity from start to finish. The over-all effect of the film is a more subdued suspenseful tale that is just as horrifying as any. This was a film that I had not seen before and I am glad to have seen. I thoroughly enjoyed this film and found it to be a true modern classic.
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