Review of Vikingdom

Vikingdom (2013)
this movie is religious hate speech
21 September 2013
What if a Muslim director made a movie full of the same kind of hateful propaganda as "Innocence of Muslims" about someone else's god? That is this movie.

Asatruars and other heathens tolerate Marvel's Thor movies because they portray him positively, if a little inaccurately. Some of us are offended by Marvel's Thor movies but most of us enjoy them. But Vikingdom says our god is evil. That is offensive. This movie is clearly trying to ride Marvel's coattails, but it fails.

Don't give your money to this anti-Thor propaganda film. It is hate speech.

A respected member of our religion, Karl E.H. Seigfried of the Norse Mythology blog, sent a letter to director Yusry Abdul Halim asking him how he could claim on the movie's official website that this movie was "based on research" and is a "collision of myth and history" when it turns everything we know about Thor upside down. He responded that there is no proof that either Thor or the Vikings ever existed.

What if Hollywood made a movie where Allah was the villain and if Muslims complained about it the director said there is no proof Allah ever existed? Heads would roll.

Asatru, Forn Sed, Theod and other forms of heathenry for whom Thor is one of our gods are small minority religions but we demand the same respect one would give to any other religion.

Erin Lale, gythia of Asatru and author of Asatru For Beginners
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