Wetherby (1985)
The Puzzle Can Be Solved....
10 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There seems to be a good bit of confusion from some viewers of this film, confusion probably because the screenwriter, in order to demonstrate that our actions, both simple and complex, not only affect our own futures, but the futures of our friends and relations, sometimes for decades, has not headlined his message.

This film is worth watching simply because of an outstanding cast, legends before they were legends--Vanessa Redgrave, Ian Holm, Judi Dench and Tom Wilkinson for starters. And there is a scene early on in the film both graphic and shocking; many reviewers of this film seem to think it has nothing to do with rest of the story except as a plot device which fails to work. I would differ: this intertwined tale bears careful watching, a viewer's ability to link two main stories told nearly simultaneously, seemingly unrelated. There is a good deal that is not said, and one must be like a teacher or a parent to read between the lines: several simple actions combined with expected outcomes provide some guidance.

So this reviewer is not going to lay out a spoiler except to say that this complex, well-thought out film makes complete sense once the actions of the characters are made clear; notice particularly the strange young woman who comes to stay with Redgrave after her first unasked-for guest shocks us. See what that young woman sees. Observe what she touches and how she reacts. Understand why she might be a little more unhinged than Redgrave expects.

The answers are there; they may not be cut and dried and as easy to solve as a Charlie Chan mystery--but they link us to our own amazing capacity to survive with truth over time. This film, if you have the patience, can be fascinating.
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