Unusual movie because of its story, and presentation
3 September 2013
This is somehow an unforgettable movie perhaps because its visual was so unusual. The premise of the story was also original, and had more intelligence than the average science fiction of the time.

Metaluna, a dying planet sends an envoy called Exeter to earth, hoping to get permission to mine earth's uranium to provide energy for their planet's defense system. But they do this in an unconventional way compared to other alien themed movie. The alien Exeter arrives covertly and established a posh residence among humans, mingling only with scientist of their choosing. Exeter's way of establishing contact is rather unorthodox. He sends parts that is beyond earth's industrial manufacturing capability to a scientist. Next he sends a complete instruction on how to make a communications device to talk to him. Dr. Meacham who's one of the recipient accepts his invitation and visits his mansion.

Fast forward a bit in story, Meacham, and Dr. Ruth Adams are on their way to Metaluna. The planet is under attack, and their only hope is to immigrate to earth, but their planned method is not peaceful.

The story is totally apocalyptic, and perhaps the creators of this movie had a warning message against nuclear holocaust that was one of the new topic of the post war America. Story is not complex but the delivery is brutal in its depiction, and has a unique kind of terror to it that's different from any other kind of science fiction movie. That is the value of this movie and why I think it continues to have fans after half a century has passed since its making.

The producers may have been a closet UFO buffs, as the saucer in this movie is designed after the UFO that was sighted over California in the '50s. That kind of personal interest on their part is probably what made the movie so intriguing watch. Not a masterpiece from a production point of view but but stands out because the ideas, and presentation was so original and shocking.
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