The Carrie Diaries (2013–2014)
nothing even remotely 80's about this show
22 August 2013
This is a very weird show, as it is very "little girly" with the cute voice over, etc. Yet, there are some pretty racy type things..which is fine if you are older and watching this. But then, if you are going to cater to both young and older audience, then give us some real nostalgic authenticity. Because as a person who was this age in the 80's, there is nothing even remotely fun about watching the show from that viewpoint either. The props are not that accurate, the clothes are not accurate, the phrases are not accurate.. who used the phrase "drama queen" in the 80's? That came much later. So it isn't even fun to watch for nostalgia. I am a few episodes in, and haven't once thought "oh wow, I remember that!" The music is okay, but they could choose better moments with that too.. it just seems like the production crew isn't really in touch with this era.. at all. And the show doesn't really seem appropriate for young girls, so I really don't see where this is going. Hopefully they figure it out later.
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