Kung-fu entertainment at it's best! Thanks to Jackie Chan!
17 August 2013
This is the first movie where I saw Jackie Chan using one of his most entertaining to watch fighting style...The drunken boxing. Now this sequel isn't as funny compared to his previous Drunken Master film. But it's more entertaining, has better direction and fights, and a more better put together story and characters. Jackie Chan performed every stunt in this film and his sacrifice is totally worth it. As a matter of fact this is one of Jackie Chan's most popular trademark movie of his. I remember watching this film for the first time when I was a youngster and being so thoroughly entertained by it. I started to imitate drunken boxing and found it to be the epitome of a fun kung-fu movie. Now I don't care if others claim this movie is overrated. This film alone should give Jackie Chan the right to leave a mark in kung-fu films history in my opinion. I also liked Jackie Chan's mother in this film, she was like the Chinese Lucy from "I Love Lucy". Anyways this is a Jackie Chan's masterpiece. Anyone that like Jackie Chan films or Kung-fu movies should check this one out. Heck if you like entertaining and enjoyable films in general check this one out.

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