A Worthy Entry into the James Bond Collection
18 July 2013
While driving on a winding road in Western Europe, James Bond (George Lazenby) happens to see a beautiful woman trying to commit suicide by drowning herself in the ocean. He prevents the attempt only to have her drive off leaving him behind. Not long afterward he meets her in a casino and finds out that she is "Contessa Tracy Di Vincenzo" (Diana Rigg). He then meets up with her father, "Marc Ange Draco" (Gabriele Ferzetti) who happens to be a wealthy mobster attempting to become somewhat legitimate. Realizing that his daughter is out-of-control, he comes to the conclusion that she needs a man of James Bond's caliber to stabilize her. He therefore offers him a sizable dowry if he will marry his daughter. James Bond initially refuses but then agrees to consider it if Draco can give him a lead towards finding his old nemesis from SPECTRE, "Ernst Blofeld" (Telly Savalas). What follows is a perilous undercover assignment that takes him to a mountain fortress high up in the Swiss Alps where Blofeld is working on a fiendish secret project which he plans to unleash upon the world if his conditions aren't satisfied. Anyway, rather than revealing the entire plot, I will just say that this is a worthy entry into the James Bond collection. As mentioned earlier, the role of James Bond is performed by George Lazenby in what would become his first and only appearance as Agent 007. And while his performance is somewhat stiff he manages to deliver a reasonably good performance all the same. Likewise, Diana Rigg proves to be a beautiful addition as well. Definitely worth a look for all James Bond fans.
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