The Ultimate Exploitation Classic
6 July 2013
If ever there was a case for banning a film, this is it. Utterly offensive, nihilistic and cruel, sadistic and torturous to sit through, this is a mean spirited exercise in exploitation that comes very highly recommended but with serious reservations. You need a cast iron constitution to sit through it.

It's set up like a documentary and plays out as such and remember people, this is 1979, 20 years before the Blair Witch phenomenon, so this film was revolutionary in every sense of the word.

It also makes some very powerful statements about civility and that the perceptions of civility are thinly veiled by a deep seated animalistic urge of survival in all of us.

I personally challenge any viewer to not be moved by the climax of this film and walk away unaffected. It has a grimy, gritty grindhouse look to it and all this adds to the layers of cruelty on screen. I have some serious moral objections with the film, the animal cruelty is truly reprehensible and unnecessary and it's the reason the film loses a star, but this is still a grindhouse classic that will probably never be matched in the annals of horror.

A Classic!
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