Eternal Evil (1985)
Despite its many, many flaws, I think this one is still worth seeing...
21 June 2013
"Eternal Evil" is an incredibly strange film. I think I liked it overall, but it was such a strange and uneven experience, I still am a bit at a loss as to what to say about this film. It is obviously a very low-budget film with mostly non-stars (apart from Karen Black), a very cheap and cheesy sound track and some dialog that seemed weird and unreal. There also is an annoying use of skipped frames during key scenes—making the film look almost like it's being done in stop-motion! Yet, on the other hand, the film was awfully original and creepy.

The film begins with a man (Winston Rekert) attempting to do astral projection—to leave his body and travel with his mind! It's pretty weird and his wife and friends think it's pretty weird. But what is weirder is that despite having a great life, he is a bit unsatisfied with it. Additionally, soon folks near and dear to him begin dying—and a dogged cop is determined to investigate (he's a bit annoying and poorly written). For a while, I felt a bit disengaged about the film until there is a strange tie-in. One of the man's films he made some time ago seems to be a key—that there are some spiritual vampires who can change bodies with others—essentially stealing them. However, to do so, the donor must be willing—and to make them willing, these 'beings' make their lives horrible—so horrible they want to die. What happens next in this creepy thriller? See for yourself.

As I mentioned, the film is pretty cheesy in spots—especially the soundtrack. But, the idea is so original that I cannot help but think the film is worth seeing.
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