The Dynamiter (2011)
Compelling & Sad Indie
8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In this compelling and sad indie William Patrick Ruff is superb as Robbie Hendrick, a 14 year old trying to survive his very harsh circumstances, in the small southern town of Glen Allan. He's living with his younger, mentally challenged, half-brother Fess, of whom he's very protective and his Grandma Gimmel, who appears to have some type of senility.

Robbie never knew his father, and his mother abandoned the family awhile back. She sends Robbie postcards at times, saying she is still traveling and trying to get her head "right' so she can return someday. Robbie dreams that when she returns they can be a family again.

Robbie is a social outcast among his peers in his middle school and in the town. He exhibits sociopathic tendencies when he impulsively steals from other students lockers or the birthday money from a girl who likes him, Kissy, after her party.

It seems like the people in the town know his circumstances and try not have him arrested, but he lies to everyone and tells everyone his mother has returned. The school Principal, Mr. Curtis, tries to work with Robbie by giving him an essay to write over the summer on his life, after which he could graduate with his class and move on to high school.

When Robbie's older brother Lucas (Patrick Rutherford) is evicted from his apartment he comes back to live with the family. This just adds more stress and complications to Robbie's life, as Lucas is a malingerer and deceitful, and will not even call Fess by his name, saying he's a half-breed. Lucas also continually throws "cold water" on Robbie's hope that their mother will return someday.

When Principal Curtis finally intervenes in their home, it sets off a series of events which culminates in giving Robbie a sliver of hope for his future.

All in all, I found this film to be filled with realism and rather riveting, if not difficult to watch at times. Yet, it was compelling enough to keep my interest throughout.

The movie is only 1 hour and 13 minutes long.
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