Thoughtfully written, Beautifully Played
7 May 2013
In one early scene, Nice Guy Johnny says "I'm not really the sleep-on-the-beach kind of guy." His new found friend responds, "You could be." And in those three little words, worlds turn.

It's a beautiful moment in a gorgeous, emotional film. These three words stand for a pretty big idea: Just because you decided at one very early point the 'kind of person' you are, you really don't have to stick with that the rest of your life.

Not only does Kerry Bishé say those words so beautifully, but everything she and Matt Bush have put into their characters leads you on a touching story of hopes repressed, revealed, and let free.

Great writing by Edward Burns brought to glorious life by hard-working actors. Too bad this kind of magic doesn't happen all that often in the movies.
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