It's up there..way up there..with some adventure ..but watch your step
30 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As a film buff,I enjoy who is in this..but as a film lover, I just have to forget some illogical situations..a part played by Lloyd Bridges which may or may not have influenced his acting in High Noon two years later..young gun..so to speak..a young guy who thinks he is superior to the older guy or anyone else..and in each film..gets his comeuppance..albeit in two different ways..but still..beaten..charming Glen Ford..really was a subdued scene- stealer..Valli..the beauty..used here as an anchor of sorts..she's doing it for her dead father..Ford is doing it for her..and everyone doing this climb for their own reasons..but I do have a problem with the climb itself..Swiss Alps?..blowing..snow..near-blizzard conditions..cold..oh so cold..cold enough that you can sit outside in the night cold..just sitting and thinking about your life or lack of one..or later..climbing without your glasses because they are broken and you don't have another pair along for the climb..climbing without gloves in the freezing Alps..with your bare hands while circumventing the dangerous narrow path..getting snow blindness in the process and lest I forget..two people falling in love and getting hitched..see it for the cinematography..not for the plot holes..Oscar Holmolka..Sir Cedrick Hardwick..what's not to like..but I would only say see this when there's not much else on..it's a diversion and you can come up with your own plot holes..and Claude Raines..who shouldn't be climbing any mountains at all and you have a somewhat disjointed movie..unlikely team of climbers doing implausible things..but individually..you know you like the characters from what they did before and after this..and you are hoping this is a good outing..but overall you will be dis-appointed with this..but the high up there scenery is worth looking at..Nuff said..
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