World's End (2010)
Quasi prophetic post apocalyptic movie
23 April 2013
If you like to watch movies with your analytical mind turned on, alertly watching for all the subtle little visual clues in it, then you might enjoy "World's End" as much as I did. All the things they can't show due to the meager budget will be filled in by your own imagination. Ignore the clues, relax and don't think much about what you see, and what is left is a plot that just does not make much sense. This may be the reason behind some of the bad reviews. Turn on you mind and fill the voids with your imagination, based on your real world background knowledge on GMO food tumor rats, bankrupt governments, legislation against "non-certified" seeds, large corporations buying mercenary companies, you may even get the feeling this movie is prophetic. (I hope it isn't, but it feels like it). We also had a lot of fun discussing how we would have acted in certain situations shown in the movie where the protagonists clearly made a big (and often deadly) mistake. Sort of an educational movie for post apocalyptic preppers. Some things in the script really suck, though, such as the mysterious fuel they run their bio-fuel turbine with. In my opinion this and a few other blunders could be cut out, as they do more damage than good. Still, I do not regret to have bought the DVD.
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