Review of The Hunt

The Hunt (2012)
I'm sorry but this was story was full of holes
18 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I hate to give this a bad review as I am a big fan of Mads BUT there are so many ridiculous parts to this story I can not believe how people have rated it. As a teacher, firstly the whole premise of this film is that 'kids never lie' well I'm sorry but any teacher who's been in the job more than a day knows that kids lie all the time. Secondly the other kids would not just make stories up about being abused - and collaborate on a story; especially at a nursery.

Why did he never mention the fact she had tried to kiss him?! I found it so frustrating I almost switched it off.

They would never send a male to interview a female student and they do not use such direct questioning. A teacher would not get sacked without even asking where the abuse is said to have taken place.

Finally, although the film is beautifully shot and Mads plays the role brilliantly his 'best friend' had the most ridiculous fake beard I've seen since the Life of Brian.
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