Better than average faux noir
27 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Now that the 1900s are over and done with, everyone seems to be on the bandwagon to come up with the newest past-ploitation idea covering that era. THE SCENESTERS does this quite consciously with its voice-overs (for instance, it mentions the "Black Dahlia" murder; however, it does not single out or show this victim's residential hotel by name, which is unfortunate, since that site was in the news this week due to the female-corpse-in-the-rooftop-water-tank\black water scandal). It also gets quite complicated, with so many sets of different videographers implausibly crowding serial killer crime scenes that it's not too hard to lose track of who's filming who. But the idea of someone competing with Night Stalker killer Richard Ramirez for the title of L.A.'s most prolific human snuffer also echoes several headlines in this month's news, with citizens being arrested left and right for threatening to make this or that mass murder or serial killing look like "child's play" (and Ramirez also performed some of his deadly handiwork in the rooftop-tank-corpse-water hotel). Just as GONE WITH THE WIND tried to recall the exciting times of the 1800s, THE SCENESTERS tries to echo the mayhem of the 1900s (only in a contemporary setting).
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