Beanstalk (1994)
if it's the movie I am thinking of I enjoyed it very much as a little kid, enough to try and find it on here
7 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So there was this movie about jack and a beanstalk and giants that I watched when I was like maybe 8 and after seeing all the previews for jack the giant slayer this movie popped in my head and I was determined to find it because I couldn't remember the name and would like to watch it again. When I was little I greatly enjoyed this movie, I am sure as most movies I liked when I was little watching them now at 24 it wont be on my top ten list or as awesome as I thought then but I do recall parts that have stuck with me like when jack and his friend who I believe was actually his bully get stuck in a "roach motel" and when the father giant told his daughter to stop sitting up so straight and how she wants to have a nice slouch hump back when she is older... too cute. I am not 100% this is the movie I am thinking of since the description is not very detailed and I don't recall enough of it, though the date seems right and the redheaded friend of jacks seems to really fit with what I remember, so if I am mistaken please forgive me and let me know. I look forward to watching this adorable movie again soon, I hope I can find it at Vintage Stock. I really miss when movies had makeup and real people rather than cgi, I mean cgi has become amazing but still real obvious it's cgi. Like the labrynth, the costumes and makeup and sets were crazy awesome, way better then if it were done with cgi today.
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