The Man Inside (I) (2012)
Solid story telling with one or two production issues
27 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I think Dan Turner can hold his head up high for this film.

Clayton Murdoch attempts to build some kind of life for himself in the aftermath of an abusive childhood brought upon him by his unhinged criminal father. He finds a new kind of father figure in coach Gordon Sinclair who, aware of Clayton's troubled youth, tries to guide him back on to the straight & narrow path via the medium of boxing.

Before long, a web of petty grievances in local gangland brings trouble to the feet of Clayton's younger siblings. For Clayton, fighting their battles is one thing; yet mounting pressure and rising stakes bring their own problems as the dam of sanity cracks under the weight violent fatherly expectation.

The reviews haven't been as kind to this film as I expected. It's not a popcorn movie and it's certainly not an attempt at a UK 'Rocky'.

When you're touching on UK gangster culture, two things have to be illustrated in my book for it to be a success. Firstly, the players are locked in to an almost incredulous bubble of isolation, held together by it's own code of silence. Secondly, no matter how trivial and contrived the mini dramas in these bubbles are - the outcomes are of the highest magnitude and felt by the community at large.

I thought the story telling delivered these points extremely well.

When combined with the mental deterioration of Clayton Murdoch (who I thought was admirably played by Ashley Thomas) then you're sitting on a powder keg as he's goaded directly & indirectly by his murderous father towards perpetuating the cycle of hate.

Without spoiling the detail of the ending, the conclusion was satisfying and delivered at the right time with the right amount of weight.

And now for the bit's that were harder to deal with.

The love interest elements were partly out of place. Clayton was introverted before Alexia arrived on the scene. You would have had more chance blowing a drop of water across a desert with a straw than those two getting in to a deep relationship. Additionally, the dialogue in the second from last scene (funeral) was a touch awkward.

The main issues I had with the movie were production related. At times, the sound was poor. In the same scene, we get Jason Maza clear as a bell, yet Ashley Thomas is barely audible. And the lighting just didn't do the job in a number of the scenes - leaving you guessing what the hell was going on. A prime example of this the climactic confrontation between Clayton & Karl. One minute we're seeing credible photography of wind turbine strewn vistas and then we can barely make the pair out as they're brought together for the climax.

Is this the cinematography failing to deliver its part of the bargain here? This is a damn shame because the beating heart of this story is a good one. Had these fundamentals been addressed during the production of the movie, I would have given it 8 out of 10.
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