Fallen Angels (2006)
Hellraiser ripoff for Christians
11 January 2013
The plot: In an abandoned prison, several people end up hunted down by demons.

There are some interesting elements that work in Fallen Angels, but, overall, the movie is dragged down by bad acting, bad writing, and bad directing. If you're a big fan of cult movies, then you'll probably be drawn in by the numerous cameos. However, if you're interested in seeing anything more than semi-famous B movie stars, I think you're going to be very disappointed. A bigger budget would have fixed some of the problems, but it would still be a clichéd, derivative ripoff of Clive Barker's Hellraiser.

One of the more annoying aspects of this movie is the amount of silly Christian propaganda and sermonizing. If you're a Christian, then I guess this probably won't bother you much. I have no problem with movies using Christian mythology and symbolism (such as The Exorcist or Rosemary's Baby), but, when they start getting preachy, I rapidly begin losing my patience.

Instead of watching this amateurish movie, I'd suggest you check out Hellraiser or Hellraiser 2. If you're truly desperate for low budget, gory Hellraiser ripoffs, you can even try the later sequels, but I wouldn't recommend it. I might also recommend a somewhat recent movie called Necromentia, which I liked more than many other reviewers.
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