Terrible, Horrible,Atrocious, Awful
28 December 2012
Terrible, Horrible,Atrocious, Awful are some of the words that can be used to describe this movie.

I was actually excited when I got this movie having seen Storm Riders and having read some familiarity with the comics. I actually thought the bad reviews were exaggerated but I was wrong. This movie is that bad.

The acting is bad, Ekin cannot act and in this movie he is more wooden then ever, the story line makes no sense and the CGI.... whoever said the CGI was good must've been living in a cave. The CGI is over (and badly) done. Part of what makes CGI good is how it blends in with the actors and makes everything look realistic. In this movie the CGI looks totally fake. Add the really bad fighting choreography and the combination is laughably bad, actually not laughably but jaw droppingly bad.The actors are not fighting as much as they are dancing, badly and in slow motion, to the accompaniment of bad CGI.

Give this a miss, I wish I did instead of wasting my money for a DVD thats now on its way to a landfill.
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