Better than the korean version, except for the girl.
23 December 2012
This is a review of seasons one and 2. I liked this version better than the Korean one. Although I think I prefer the female lead in the K version. This version has a more sympathetic male lead, who is also a better actor. I'm not saying he's great, but he's certainly more animated. In the K version, I could never understand what she saw in him. In this one I can. This version is more wacky, but it also has it's violent moments. My favorite character is probably the owner of the sweet shop, especially her stories about John Lennon, and a certain person who goes around in a red suit at Christmas. Funnily enough, in this version, the male lead's hair is referred to as weird. Actually I saw nothing wrong with it. In the korean version, (unless I'm mistaken) no mention is made of the hair. Although IMHO, it is weird. Note. The next winner of Miss World will be decided on a play of stone, paper, scissors.

What can i add to what I said about season 1. Well, I've recognised the male lead is a good actor. The character is more endearing than his counterpart in the korean version. I guess one thing that made me root for him, instead Rui, which I did in the korean version, was his mangling of certain Japanese/English phrases/words. I also liked that in the fight with Rui in particular, he didn't always come out on top. Wheras I think he did in the K version. I thought the best performance was by Nishihara Aki as Yuki. Who sheer coincidence was also the best looking. Okay, She's gorgeous.
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