Inside the X Files (1998 TV Movie)
A Peek In: My Favorite Aspects from Inside
8 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A must for X-Files aficionados! You'll hear insights into the series including interviews with lead characters, bloopers, and a special preview of the first X-Files film (1998).

You'll discover that the smoking man was originally a silent character; William B. Davis was bummed he didn't get a speaking part only to find the role became central to the mythology.

It's hilarious to hear about Mulder's subtle character traits (such as having an oral fixation, no 'real' bedroom, and as being addicted to porn)as Duchovny in 2008 checked himself into rehab for sex addiction. As with many of Duchovny's character roles Mulder comes across as a thinly veiled Duchovny being well educated, passionate in his beliefs and romantically star-crossed.

The most beautiful moment is the description of Gillian Anderson's Scully elaborated as the most essential part of Mulder's role. Duchovny expounds, "It's like the one friend, I guess, that he has in the world. I mean, I heard a phrase once, somebody was talking about their wife. This was a person who was very inept socially, not the wife but the man. There were many things said about him that weren't kind, and he said, 'My wife, who is lovely and social and everything like that, is my human credential.' And, like, makes him a human being, because people think, well, if *she* can stand him, he must have some humanity within him." Aside from that we have the privilege of witnessing the blooper roles where we learn Anderson erupts when anyone breaks character --and let me say Anderson has perhaps the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard.

There is so much more to this short-docu segment, I would hate to spoil all of the good parts but I must say do watch it if you love the X-Files.
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