Brad Harris and Kirk Douglas - Separated At Birth?
7 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Big rugged manly Hercules (Brad Harris, looking like an even more pumped up version of a young Kirk Douglas) arrives in town to visit a king who was a friend of his - only to find out that the king has died and his daughter is now in charge, but the daughter queen is being manipulated by an evil counselor who is running the kingdom into the ground just for his own amusement, prompting Hercules to join forces with some heroic rebels and pitting the Herc Harris's brawn against fellow beefcake and Hercules actors Alan Steel (star of Hercules Against The Moon Men, real name Sergio Ciani) as one of the villains.

Not spectacular but decently made, above average entry in the sword & sandal/myth meets fantasy sub-genre. Dubbing be damned Brad Harris is a fine Hercules who, like so many others of his niche, dominates pretty much every scene he's in - which makes it a shame that full screen versions of the film cut out some the action.
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