Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Unique Take on an Age-Old Story
26 October 2012
There has been a good amount of bad reviews on this TV show. I, however, disagree with them on the merit of this show. I remember first hearing about this show and being intrigued by the fact that Spielberg was creating and producing a TV show about an alien invasion. Let's be honest, this is not an original script or idea. The alien invasion/end- of-the-world/post-apocalyptic genre is not something lacking in modern entertainment. There has been and currently is a myriad of movies and TV shows the fit this genre. So yes, if you are looking for a TV show that is completely original and new this is not necessarily the show you are looking for.

However this show is very unique in the way that it tells this age-old story of aliens invading and taking over Earth. It begins 6 months after the aliens have already taken over the world. I really like that start because it skips over what most TV shows and movie(V, Skyline, War of the Worlds, Battle: Los Angeles) completely focus on. It focuses on the struggle for survival of a group of soldiers and civilians (2nd Mass).

This show does an incredible job of showing the reality of the daily struggles these people go through to survive in an alien-occupied world. Everything from getting food, to medical supplies, to transportation and gas, and places to hide and stay is a real struggle they have to face in the show. I love the gritty reality of the show. You really see struggle these characters go through for basic things.

A lot people also complain about the characters saying they are flat and not developed. Let me counter it by saying this. You can't compare this TV show (which only gets 10 episodes a season) with another show that gets 20-24 a season. They have WAY less time to tell story and develop characters. They do a great job with the little amount of episodes they get. The 2nd season vastly improves on the first season and amps up the stakes on all levels.

I would recommend this show to any SciFi fan. It's a fun show to watch and I find myself loving the characters and wanting to see how they survive not only the aliens but also the daily challenges placed before them for basic survival.

Don't write it off because of what other people say. Try watching it for yourself, you won't regret it.
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