Review of Revolution

Revolution (2012–2014)
Typical JJ Abrams Drek
20 September 2012
What we have is another production by JJ Abrams. Unfortunately that translates to BAD. In an interview, Abrams claims that the science makes sense. Sorry. If batteries (electro-chemical) don't work then neither do people. Our bodies run on electro-chemical processes. So there goes the science. But crap science, after all, is a staple of JJ Abrams. After all, in Star Trek he had Spock watch the destruction of the planet Vulcan from the surface of another planet in another star system WITH HIS NAKED EYES! Next I have to wonder how, after fifteen years, people can still be wearing fresh, white, machine-made clothing. I guess it wouldn't look good to have everyone walking around in sheepskins. Bu why not leather? Last, but not least, there is the JJ Abrams specialty. Billion-to-one coincidences. Again, in his absolute drek of a reboot of Star Trek, one coincidence (among so many) was having Kirk marooned within walking distance on the same planet as Spock and Scotty. In Revolution, the three questers enter a random building after entering Chicago. The first person they talk to is (what a bloody amazing coincidence) the very person they are looking for.

I can't imagine how anyone who puts so little thought into his work and who treats his target audience with such contempt still gets to do what he does.
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