Evidence (III) (2012)
Worst movie I have seen in years (SPOILERS! WARNING!)
14 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I just wanted to say this movie escalated rather quickly. I will try to remain calm, as I have just wasted 70 minutes of my life on this film, and am close to losing my faith in humanity, but I will try to give an honest review.

If the movie had remained with the four original campers throughout the 70 minutes, and hadn't turned in such a random, abrupt direction and kept the story revolving around them being hunted by a Sasquatch styled creature, it would have much butter.

However, the big mistake this movie makes, was hiring a Producer and a screen writer who, while on several different kinds of hallucinogenic drugs, piled on the most incomprehensible, shocking, ridiculous plot elements I have ever witnessed in my entire life. The movie started off great, as the group was being hunted by this Sasquatch like creature. 40 minutes of screaming, running, and boobs later, it turns so abruptly, it was difficult understanding what in the hell was going on.

Coupled with the fact that the way the movie ended, which was infinitely as ridiculous as the plot itself, this turned out to be a rather dissatisfying film. Throughout the movie,one of the two surviving girls from the camp does the most idiotic things in the movie, such as opening various locked doors, running into danger unnecessarily, etc.

As the movie ends, I was close to throwing a tantrum after the only likable, somewhat reasonably logical character in the movie dies, (the blonde girl) while the **** for brains brunette survives.

If only the movie had revolved around the four campers, and have just remained that way for those 70 minutes, it would have turned out nice, as I have stated before. BUT, the credits scenes with the special forces killing everything in that underground facility, could have just been the entire movie as well, and would've been just as entertaining.

Honestly, I would rather see faceless characters in balaclavas cutting down creatures with gunfire, than watching a group of idiotic jackasses running through the woods. At least we'd have a clear understanding of where the movie would be going if it revolved around the spec-ops soldiers in the credits, no? The fact that I would prefer the former over the latter, just shows how terrible this movie was.

All in all, this was a very confusing and disappointing movie, where if I could, I would give this movie a -10 stars. -5, to be generous. Seriously, do not waste your time watching this movie.

(P.S.: If I have to see another movie where the likable characters or main characters are killed off and the supporting cast lives, (like Starship Troopers: Invasion) I will relinquish my humanity, take the next space shuttle to Mars, become a space hermit, and live in a cave for the rest of my life.)
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