Halloween II (2009)
Halloween II (2009)
13 September 2012
To it's credit, it's better than the majority of sequels in the original Halloween series. Unfortunately, the flaws are just too big to ignore. Zombie is obsessed with creating his own vision and this leads to some bizarre choices and plot details. As before, Zombie wants us to sympathise with the villain, so he is now followed around by a white horse, a younger version of himself and his mother. A choice that cynics will imply was just to get Zombie's wife some more screen time. Mane's ferocious strength translates well, but when walking around as part of the odd-bunch, it becomes distracting. Zombie tries his hand at some artistic flourishes, which would be welcome, and would feel right at home in an original piece. As part of the Halloween mythology, it just sucks out all of the fun. An acceptable slasher, but one that mixes the laughable with the horrific in a tasteless mix.
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