The Divide (2011)
4 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this the other day and while I enjoy post-apocalyptic survival films and games, this is one I wish I had passed on. The synopsis made it look so interesting, and for about the first half hour, it was. However, the situation turns from bad to unrealistic in a matter of moments, and we are left wondering exactly what the writers were smoking when they put together this mess of a film.

I'm not going to go in-depth into the story as many others have done this already, I will just post the questions that I had about the film.

1. Why isn't anyone concerned about the air supply? They smoke cigars and cigarettes without a care in the world.

2. What is the fuel source of that power generator?

3. Why doesn't anyone seem to want to find a way out? I know there is radiation outside, but after a few weeks (presumably they were in there for a long time, long enough for scurvy to set it although I'm still wondering how that happened on a diet of baked beans) in that hell hole even a rad-infested city would be preferable and they could seek treatment.

4. Why don't the scientists in the white suits check up on their comrades, or send in other soldiers, or... anything at all? They do nothing even though two of their number didn't report back in. They don't seal the door until one of the main characters goes exploring.

5. What's the lab for? Why are they so concerned with the eyes of those children, and why keep them alive after removing them?

6. Why doesn't anyone's health improve after they discover the new food supply that is complete with citrus sources? The scurvy would have gone away, though the radiation poisoning wouldn't. At the very least, the rate of degradation should have been considerably slowed. Instead, it almost seems as if at this point they start to get worse very quickly.

7. At the end, the Eva character locks herself in the food vault to don the suit. At least, that's what it looked like to me and my girlfriend. The two men were beating on the door to get in, and couldn't because the combination to the lock had been changed by the now dead gang leaders. She puts on the suit, and somehow manages to get out of there and into the bathroom, which was on the other side of the basement. How?

8. What happens to her after this? She can see that NY is leveled, but where does she go? What does she do?

9. Why is the Sam character such a worthless piece of garbage? I mean, I was literally screaming at him with the others at the end and I wasn't sorry to see him get the crap beaten out of him.

10. Why didn't Eva just let Mickey out? He was clearly the only one who could have brought the situation back under control and yet, she just leaves him tied to the chair. I wish he had been written with more of a leadership role.

11. We are never told exactly how the Marilyn character dies, though its presumably due to some sort of untreated vaginal infection brought on by repeated rapes and unsanitary conditions (Her unexplained bleeding, and the final rape\torture scene in which she was literally screaming in pain), but I would have still liked more closure than "she broke".

All in all, if you were hoping for a film that explores humans triumphing over impossible odds, or any kind of actual story at all... Move on. That's not this film. They never get out, they never find out why NY was attacked, they never do anything heroic or interesting, they just get sick, rape and beat each other, and then die. The end.

It just was not a good film, even by torture porn standards.
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