Heard It All Before
30 August 2012
The funniest thing about this movie has to be its trailer, which took all the best lines and scenes from the film, changed their order and context, and portrayed a very different movie to the one you end up watching.

The two main problems that I found with this movie is that for one thing, Leigh Francis's character of Keith Lemon is fundamentally unlikeable, and secondly, the entire cornerstone for any humour in it is based on catchphrases and jokes that any fan will already have heard a hundred times before.

During one of the many times that my mind wandered away, I wondered what the point of the film was. Was it meant to springboard the character to an international audience (hence the need to shoehorn in every catchphrase and joke ever uttered on Celebrity Juice to regions that might not have seen or heard them before), or was it a nod to existing fans (seeing as the whole film seemed to be done on a shoestring budget and couldn't possibly be considered a serious international contender).

And I still have no idea what the answer is, and therefore have no idea why this film exists at all.

The Keith Lemon character has been over-exposed on UK television for some time now, and I'm of the opinion that Leigh Francis is well aware of this fact himself, and decided to wring every last penny out of it rather than to come up with a new character or new material.

Seeing this film has only served to put me off Keith Lemon, to the point where the new series of Celebrity Juice (due to begin today) has gone from being a viewing highlight that I was looking forward to, to a case of "I'll give it one chance and if it gets on my nerves like the film did I'll stop watching entirely".

There's no need for a spoiler warning in this review because there's no film to spoil. There's very little in the way of acting, plot, script, pacing or storyline. It's just Keith Lemon rehashing everything you've heard before, except you're stuck in the cinema watching it and wishing you were somewhere else.

If you're a Keith Lemon fan - avoid. And if you're not - avoid it twice as hard.
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