Wanted to walk out after 5 minutes
25 August 2012
A comedy film can fail because of a bad script, poor acting, lack of original ideas or being devoid of humour. It hard to imagine a film that could contain all four of the above elements and still go on theatrical release but Keith Lemon-The Film has done just that. Right from the very beginning the viewer is introduced to the most obnoxious,disgusting lead character I have ever seen to grace a film screen and his presence is a torment throughout. The movie is a receipe of disgusting innuendo mingled with tasteless, grotesque sex scenes that would be repugnant to even the most liberal and open minded cinema-goer. The only relief one gets is when Lemon (played by Leigh Francis) is off- screen, which unfortunately is quite rare. The trailer of this movie is a work of art, managing to splice together the dozen celebrities who appear for only seconds in cameo roles, making a potential viewer believe that the film is worth a look. In reality these celebrities are merely picking up a paycheck for 5 seconds on screen. Bottom line is, there are no laughs, no memorable lines, no interesting scenes but low-brow humour and self-indulgence with a disjointed storyline.

I left the cinema wondering how many months training that a monkey would need to write a better script and you will too, if you decide to waste your hard earned money on this 85 minutes of sheer drivel.
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