Review of Point Blank

Point Blank (2010)
tight thriller will keep you watching but might not make a lot of sense after wards
23 August 2012
Good movie---Definitely, definitely hooks you early, and keeps you watching throughout--it helps that the movie's pace never ever flags even for a minute--the entire movie is a very tight 84 minutes or so--and everything that happens really drives the story forward. The only thing is obviously the movie doesn't entirely hold up to the strictest of logic if you think about it after wards--but truthfully most action movies don't--this one at least makes sense while you're watching it, there's never a point where you think "oh come on!" i mean especially the last big set piece in the movie which is what the last 20 minutes or so? that's a really well set up sequence and if the movie had been even slightly slower then it was--it might not have worked as well as it did--but it does because the movie's been so good up to that point that you really just have to go with it and hold on til the end. I say this because my mind kept thinking even at the end when he finally gets the uh well no spoilers here but when he finally gets what he's been after the entire time i kept thinking oh man someone's totally gonna kill him! he's never gonna make it out of there in time! he's never gonna get to his wife in time! he's never gonna....but then again--that prob says more about me and my general negativity then it does about this movie---although you know just the fact that i would start thinking so much about the character in the movie just goes to show you how engaging the movie actually is. The only really negative thing i think i'd have to say is that a)there's a quasi set up for a sequel that if they wanted to they could prob do but i don't think it would be such a good idea--but maybe they could make it work--and 2)its kind of a somewhat forgettable movie--don't get me wrong i liked it very much when i was watching it but its been a couple of days now and i've already all but forgotten a lot of the finer points of the plot---really just the fact that it was very tense and that it was a very good very well done man on the run flick!
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