Simply awful.
19 August 2012
Unbelievably bad. That's all I would say if IMDb didn't insist on at least ten lines, so I will oblige them.

* The story sounds all right but is discarded from the outset. * It was written by putting scraps of paper with individual words on them into a hat and then plucking them out at random. * If there was a director he must have been drunk under a table, or perhaps away on holiday. That's what I would claim if I was listed as the director of this film. * The production values were around the level of a school play. Perhaps they wasted their entire budget playing with helicopters. And it's obvious that they were just playing, because none of it has the least thing to do with the story. * There is no acting in this film. All you'll find are cardboard cutouts taped to sticks, and the whole lot waved around in front of the camera while someone off to the side yells gibberish in strange voices. * The scenery is pretty, but it's not anywhere near enough to salvage this. Not even close to being enough! Not even on the same planet, in fact.

Recently a Kiwi friend has forced me to watch a pile of New Zealand films with her, and all I can say is that I now no longer have any desire to ever visit New Zealand. It may seem odd to you that a few bad films could ever change my view of an entire nation or willingness to visit it, but if you had to sit through the same incredibly appalling rubbish, I would be willing to bet that you'd feel likewise. ( Watch The Price of Milk and then try and tell me I'm wrong! )
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