Dead Season (2012)
It's A Nice Try
19 August 2012
I don't want to be too harsh here, but it's so hard to hold back. First, I have to remember that: 1. There was a set budget for this film. 2. Indie directors. So here goes... As far as films go within the zombie genre, this was not the worst. It wasn't the best either. We're somewhere in the middle here. The acting, while not superb, wasn't all that bad. Story? Not so bad either. There were, as with most zombie films, some weak spots in the storyline and plot...but, I didn't sit down to watch this film expecting anything better. As with the majority of films we see in this genre, we get a demonstration of the best sides of humanity and the worst sides.

Typical catastrophic viral film with a typical ending in my opinion. There was an opportunity to this film to be so much more if not for the small budget it had. Is it worth seeing? Yes. Fans of the genre will definitely appreciate some of the points made in the film. I rate it a 7 out of 10 and I'm being generous since this was, after all, a low budget indie film.
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