17 August 2012
First of all, I have to confess to not having found any of the previous Vacation installments particularly funny. They elicited a few chuckles but were otherwise so jaded that my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets with all the rolling I made them do.

This abomination of a movie is so bad as to be positively criminal. Forget waterboarding; THIS is an example of a cruel and unusual punishment if ever I saw one. Christmas Vacation 2 is not only not in the least bit funny; it is actually just plain stupid to boot. The characters don't look, talk or act drolly, nor do they find themselves in comical situations. It's all terribly contrived and slap-stick (well, far more slap than stick, and I mean a slap in the VIEWERS' faces!). It's a testament to my masochistic tendencies that I braved through about a half of it, albeit over the course of three hours: I just had to stop and take sanity breaks after pretty much every scene. I gave up at that point and went out for a walk in a thunderstorm, hoping a lightning might bring me sweet relief.

Even the presence of the jaw-droppingly stunning Sung-Hi Lee could not salvage this train wreck.

I know this is not constructive criticism; it's just that this picture is beyond any meaningful critique.
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