Review of Greedy

Greedy (1994)
How greedy can people get? This greedy!!!
13 August 2012
Wow.This is possibly the most underrated/unknown comedies out there.I was introduced to it by a friend because he knew I was a massive Michael J.Fox fan and I was laughing my head off within the first few minutes.I think it took a good 15 minutes of the film before Fox came on screen,which I was surprised about,but it didn't matter in the slightest because of the other actors/actresses in the cast,playing his relatives.The late great Phil Hartman (The Simpsons)is one of the many familiar faces who plays a member of the family who are desperate to get their hands on their great uncle Joe's money,played with relish by an old Kirk Douglas in one of his last roles.They are desperately trying to stop the old man from leaving his fortune to his beautiful nurse Mollie.But not only do the Macteague family want what they think is rightfully theirs,they also hate each other,so brown nosing is taken to an whole new level, as is backstabbing and it is a joy to watch.This was one of the film's Michael J.Fox made when he was having personal problems because of his cruel twist of fate with Parkinson's disease,but looking at his performance in the film you'd never have known it.The highlight of the film is definitely the dialogue (scripted by the writers of City Slickers)especially in the scenes where the relatives are trying to get one over on each other.And a special mention has to go to director Jonathan (Yes Minister)Lynn's unfussy direction.There's no jerky camera-work or quick editing to highlight the performances.He didn't need to.He just pointed the camera at them and let them do their thing.And the lack of intrusive music in many of the film's scenes was refreshing as well.If you're a fan of comical films that have an edge and have a range of amusing characters,this wickedly funny film is highly recommended.
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