Cutting Class (1989)
Could Be A Lot Better....
29 July 2012
When I wanted to go to the store to buy the DVD for a very cheap price, I searched this movie up on youtube and someone uploaded it in parts. Thank goodness I didn't spend my money. I'm not much of a Brad Pitt fan, but I was curious to see his first major role in this low budget film. He was listed third in the top billing but he gets a lot of screen time being the boyfriend acting like a jerk.

The story is about students who are being murdered one by one, and as an audience we keep on guessing who the killer is until the finale in this "whoduit" concept. Although I hate the fact the viewers already know who the killer is from the very start.

While this movie is in the horror genre, there really isn't much gore as a horror fan might expect nor does it have any suspense like the movie "Scream." The movie also has a bit of a love triangle between our three main characters and some humor, but overall the movie fails to do so; we aren't given much about the characters so we don't really care what happens to them. The dialogue and acting could be a lot better since many of the lines sounded campy, and as if the writer may have written the script in one night and didn't have it proofread enough.

I didn't mind this movie made on a low budget, but the story could've been better especially the acting. If you want to watch slasher film that you don't need to take seriously or need something to watch while doing something else or if you're just curious about seeing Brad in his first major role before he became a star, then this movie may be for you.

After watching this movie, I even said to myself that I should remake this film. lol
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