Redd, Inc.
23 July 2012
Just saw this movie at a film festival in Seoul and was quite impressed. As is generally the case with film festivals, I didn't quite know what to expect going in other than how it is similar to Saw. While the similarity is there, Redd, Inc. is certainly its own film and one that is worth watching. It involves a recently escaped mental patient/prisoner who believes himself to be innocent and kidnaps the unsuspecting people who were involved one way or another with the conviction.

The movie lacks the sort of pathetic dialog the worst parts of the Saw franchise often include as other films do, whether it's Saw, other horror movies, or other other movies that involve multiple people in a tumultuous situation. The dialog is often funny, usually necessary, and never drab.

The director was kind of enough to show up and say a few things about his film along with taking questions, during which time he brought up his love of the comedy/horror genre. Often times horror movies are funny when they don't want to be and corny when they are trying to be funny, but Redd Inc. does a good job achieving what it is trying to achieve at any given moment. In the end, everyone has a moment or many of feeling chained to their desks.
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