Dead Season (2012)
Way More than I Expected
23 June 2012
First of all, this movie has not yet been released. I looked it up and it comes out in July. It's currently June. Everyone who has reviewed it (myself included) probably acquired it via torrents. Whatever. I have no shame.

As for the movie, I absolutely loved it. Reading these other reviews, I really don't know what the heck people are expecting. It's a post-apocalyptic zombie movie, not The Godfather!

Are there zombies? Yes. Are there good kills? Yes. Is there action? Yes. The part I liked best overall, is it's not your average zombie horror gore-fest. What makes Dead Season a bit different is they actually go into more of the stories of characters, and the relationships that come up from having to live in this messed up society on the island. THAT was awesome.

The locations and shooting are beautiful, and the acting is really good. There's no big celebrities, but this isn't a huge studio movie. For that, I really like it. I kind of feel bad I got it for free!

All in all, if you want a solid independent zombie movie , this is one of the best I've seen in years.
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