Review of Continuum

Continuum (I) (2012–2015)
Fresh new sci fi series
28 May 2012
Brand new sci fi series that looks promising. I saw the pilot (and yes IMDb helped me make the decision). In 2077 rich corporations rule the North American Union. A group of criminals slated for execution instead travel back in time (2012)to terrorize the past. By accident a cop from the future also gets sent back in time where she helps the Vancouver police to bring the baddies to justice. I'm really interested to see if it is actually the criminals who are bad or if it is the corporations. What side will morality and freedom take? I think that will be interesting to see in this new series. If you remember Charmed, Coop Phoebe's husband plays the good cop. I wonder if I can take him seriously in this role. Ha.
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