Review of Men at Work

Men at Work (2012–2014)
Plain Formula with a Laugh Track
26 May 2012
I had high hopes for this show, but all I could hear was the very bad laugh track that is overused. Why haven't studios dropped this practice? Get a live studio audience! Even if you can't get people to come for free, have the crew and families sit in. The laugh track is ever- present and is so noticeable that you can't pay attention to the show. For a new show in 2012, it doesn't have a very diverse ethnic range....One black man and no gay men. I watched both new episodes, back-to-back and never became interested in the characters, except the one man's, girlfriend's father, the owner of the company. He was fun. The sets ups are dumbed down and transparent, but above all...the worst laugh track ever!
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