Donnie Darko (2001)
"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"
8 May 2012
At first glance, Donnie Darko could seem silly, and a bit stupid. This was my first impression when I first came across this film. I mean, a giant bunny? That alone could leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. And when I first watched the movie, I was severely confused; which I considered a problem with the movie back then. I digress, my expectations were a little too high back then, but now I've re-watched it and found something closer than it appears..

The thing I love about Donnie Darko is how confusing it is. Now while that may seem like a problem, it's really not. Donnie Darko has this plot so we can put the pieces together: forming our own branded puzzle set. This is why I refuse to put one footstep into the director's cut, because my imagination seems like a more reasonable and valuable choice. The movie itself? Fantastic. I literally was at the edge of my seat, and there was no point where my arm was resting below my chin. It's one of those films where you're so confusing, so deeply engaged into it's strangeness, that it turns out to be a special one. I don't even need to go into the plot, because twist after twist! I never saw it coming, I never saw the deeply-rich story. And while people think they know the whole film by saying these two words - time travel - they have no idea. The movie has so much more power than what'd you'd expect. And the movie never tells itself what it is, making it one of the most visually- experiencing films ever...

So why would you just sit around and read this with no intention to even see the film? People watch a couple minutes, turn it off, and read the story online stating that they "watched" it all, and end up giving it bad reviews. That was my first choice of action, but nothing would ever make me go back in time to make that happen. Donnie Darko is one of my favorite films of all-time. Not enough? It blends everything you need in a movie, including fan favorites of the atmosphere, the story, then the twist that sets the film off into a whole new image that you can't quite see, but want to. I recommend for everybody and anybody wanting to experience a film, not just find it as escapism. Now question is: what would you do if you could see into the future?

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