BioShock 2 (2010 Video Game)
"Bioshock 2" is a heavily-flawed, but all-in-all worthy follow-up to the original masterpiece...
1 May 2012
Graphics... 7 out of 10 Choppy pictures and some wonky effects are a big problem with the graphics in "Bioshock 2." The design is beautiful once again, and Rapture is brilliantly realized as it was in the first game, but the Unreal graphics engine just doesn't do the creativity justice. I'd give the graphics a solid seven.

Sound... 10 out of 10 Magnificent voice work and an eerie score highlight the incredible soundtrack, which more than makes up for the ho-hum graphics. Everything is tight, well-recorded and oozing with atmosphere.

Controls... 8 out of 10 Controls are are bit mixed for me, but are strong overall. It's hard to keep up with combat at times, and the button layout occasionally get frustrating. But solid controls.

Story... 5 out of 10 Much more generic than the first. You play as a Big Daddy searching for your Little Sister, Elenor. Taking place a few years after the original, the city of Rapture has fallen since Andrew Ryan's demise, and is now under the control of Lamb, an evil woman who has taken control to spread her ideals. It's a weaker plot, and feels like a let-down.

"Bioshock 2" is a much more generic, watered-down retread of the original game, which I consider a modern classic. It initially felt like a let-down, and it felt as though it lacked focus much of the time. Your goals and objectives feel less clear than in the first game.

However, upon subsequent playings, the game has grown on me, and I appreciate it a lot more in many ways.

I equate "Bishock 2" to a decent but unneeded movie sequel. It's fun to re-visit the world and the characters, and the familiarity with it all is a blast, but it's a more empty, pointless experience. I can safely say that "Bioshock 2" is a game strictly for uber-fans of the original.

As it stands, "Bioshock 2" gets a pretty good 7 out of 10. It's good for fans, but is nowhere near the genius of the original.
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